Monday, May 17, 2010

On A Typical Day

On a typical day, I get up at 6:00 in the morning to get ready for school. I get to the bus stop at 6:50 and the bus comes at 7:02. I get to school at 7:40 and when the bell rings at 7:50, I go to my first period class, depending on if it is a Blue Day or White Day. I stay in school until 3:15, but I get home at two minutes before 4:00. I do my chores and help fix supper. After supper, I do the dishes (if it is my turn). If not, then I take a bath, then spend time with my parents watching T.V. I go to bed at 10:00.

On weekends, I get up at 7:00 and help fix breakfast. Then my family and I go grocery shopping. If my mother feels like it, she will take me to the mall to go shopping, but we only go for a certain amount of minutes. Then, when we get home, we eat a light supper and then I go take a bath. After that, I get on my laptop and browse on the web. I usually go to bed at 10:00, depending on how tired I am.

Friday, May 7, 2010

What I Am Currently Fascinated With

I am currently fascinated with music. Particularly rock and alternative music. If I here a song on a commercial or on the radio, I go on Youtube to try and find it. I love listening to music. It is my favorite pasttime.

On Sunday, my dad and I watched a movie that had some really great songs in it. I am still trying to find the names and artists of those songs. I need all the luck I can get to find these.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Typical Day From My Middle School Years

At College View, we would have to sit in the gym in the morning to wait for the bell to ring so we could go to our specific hallway (There are three hallways: one with all 6th grade classes, one for all 7th grade classes, and one for all 8th grade classes.) to put our backpacks in our lockers and go to our first class of the day. Our first two classes would be electives such as PE, Tech Ed, Music, FCS, French, or Spanish. Then we would head to either Math, Science, Social Studies, English, or Reading. We would go to lunch during third or fourth period and then go to the remaining three or four classes. We would leave school at 3:15 everyday.

On the last day of school, they would have a talent show at the end of the day for students. They would also let us go outside on the track or football field and listen to music or hang out with our friends.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Missing My Relatives

Last year, my family went through something that caused our relationship to be strained. Since then, I haven't heard much from my aunt Echo and my cousins Eric, Scott, Kara, and Bradley. They used to come visit us, but now they don't. I miss them a lot. My cousins Kara and Bradley and my aunt Echo has Facebook accounts, but I am scarred to add them as friends because they might tell my dad and he might get mad. I love them and miss them a whole lot. I wish that I could see them again and everything won't be so strained.

First Time I Was Hurt

I was 12-13 years old and it was close to the end of the school year. I was to take the trash out while my dad and brother were cooking supper. I was barefoot and while taking the trash out, something in the trashbag cut my toe. I started bleeding a lot. My mom had to soak my toe in peroxide to make sure that no glass was still in my toe. The loss of so much blood made start feeling dizzy and I became sick. After that, my mom bandaged my toe and helped me walk into the living room to eat supper.

Last CD I Bought

The last cd I bought was Ke$ha's album "Animal." I am a fan of her music and I think she is a great artist. I was with my mom in the mall. I have money burning a hole in my pocket, so I wanted to buy some things. At Vanity, I bought a few shirts and earphones. I bought the cd at Hot Topic. They had a shirt that featured Kesha on it, but I only had $11. The shirt cost $22 and the cd cost $9.99 and I didn't want to have to resort to my mom for more money. Let me tell you, that was the best decision I made that day. There is never a day that I don't listen to some of the songs from the cd.

Why I Am Almost Always Online

When I am at home, I am online a lot. That is because I have to listen to my favorite songs, that I don't have downloaded, on YouTube. We used to have Napster Music Downloads, but that started messing up on us, so we had to cancel that service.

I also have a Facebook account that I check everyday. My dad doesn't know that I have one, but he has one himself, but my mom and I haven't told him that we each have a profile. I talk to my friends and family.

The last reason that I am online is because for school purposes. I use Google to search for information to complete my projects that are due. I am currently working on a powerpoint about Popular Culture of the 1950s for U.S. History.